
CustomInk Product Listing Ad


CustomInk Product Listing Ad

The Problem

We're finding that our current product listing ad design (or PLA for short) does not stand out enough in comparison with our competitors. The design needs to be eye catching but also meet certain requirements:

  • It needs to work in black & white

  • It needs to be single color with no tones

  • It needs to be legible at thumbnail size (especially on a left chest printing area)

Previous PLA Designs

Previous PLA Designs

Our previous PLAs were simple text or text within a speech bubble graphic. At first, we wanted to keep exploring the idea of keeping an illustrative element to

set us apart from competitors but the biggest obstacle was making sure that it would still remain legible at small thumbnail sizes.

Initial Drafts

Initial Drafts


How can we create a visual advantage over our competitors yet ensure that text will still remain legible for our customers?

We believed that by simply playing around with font pairings, this would help our PLA stand apart from the others.

Exploring Font Pairings

Exploring Font Pairings

This would also make it much easier to reach on the smallest left chest area. Even if the words

“Your” & “Here” was a little smaller, at least the word ”Design” would still be recognizable.


Final Design